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Polarized Light – Best Way To Determine The Defects In Preforms

The PET containers that are manufactured in PET & Preform industries are blooming in the packaging industries, especially in pharmaceutical industries and food & beverage industries to pack medicines.

The PET containers that are manufactured in PET & Preform industries are blooming in the packaging industries, especially in pharmaceutical industries and food & beverage industries to pack medicines, syrups, chemical, drugs, food items and beverages which make the preforms carefully efficient and that offers the wide range of PET containers. But at the time of production, some defects are usually found in these preforms by the producers. These defects usually occur during various production processes due to the inappropriate dimensions and weight of the preforms and sometimes due to the different quality of resins that are used to manufacture the Preforms.

Defects found in Preforms

The various defects that are found in the Preforms that damage the quality of the Preforms are shape, incorrect geometrical dimensions, percentage of material used to manufacture the preform, micro-hole in the injection points, quality of the seal, long injection points, default in the standardized dimensions of the preform, any damage in the rings like moisture rings, existence of small particles in the preforms, bubbles, chromatic vibrations, strains in the preforms and many more.

Polariscope–To Identify the Defects in Preforms

Examining the quality of the Preforms in Polarized light is the best way to detect the defects in the preforms. Polarized light produces different light patterns and birefringence patterns that help to view the defects in preforms clearly and appropriately. The defects and strains in the patterns of Preforms can be detected in Preforms with the help of best testing Instrument “Polariscope”. To know more about the instrument, click here.

Presto Stantest offers a high quality of Polariscope that helps to determine the quality of the preforms and to identify the defects in the Preforms. This testing strategy helps to produce high quality of PET bottles and products. The testing equipment offers highly reliable and precise test results.

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