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Why you should conduct a top load test on PET bottles?

PET containers and bottles are considered being the important choice for the manufacturers to store and deliver accurate products to the customers. From packing beverages to pharmaceutical products, these bottles are widely used to ensure that the products will arrive safely at the destination.

PET containers and bottles are considered being the important choice for the manufacturers to store and deliver accurate products to the customers. From packing beverages to pharmaceutical products, these bottles are widely used to ensure that the products will arrive safely at the destination. But what if the over-stacking of these bottles will result in the bursting or damage to the product? Thus, to overcome this problem, you must make use of the Presto top load testing instrument. The top-load tests can help in the design of bottles and give insights into the materials that are supposed to be used for them. This lab testing instrument will help to assess the stacking capability of the products like PET & HDPE bottles and jars. Here in this blog, we are going to provide you with information about why you should conduct a top load test on PET bottles and how the Presto Top Load Tester testing instrument is helpful in testing the top load strength of PET bottles with ease. So, let us get started!

What is top load testing for PET bottles?

It's important to test PET bottles and containers' stacking strength to ensure that it is capable of withstanding the conditions they will be exposed to rough shipping environment. Thus, to make it easy for the manufacturers to assuring quality products will be delivered, it is important to conduct a top load test on these PET bottles. PET bottle top load testing is a type of test that is used to determine the strength and durability of PET bottles. This test is conducted by filling the bottles with water and then applying a force to the top of the bottle. The amount of force that is applied will vary depending on the size and weight of the bottle.

We at Presto are a leading manufacturer of top load testersand offer this testing instrument to test your material against top loads. With the use of this lab testing instrument, you will be able to test your material against top loads. This testing instrument is easy to use and provides accurate testing results for testing the top loads.

Now, let us discuss the working of this high-quality lab testing instrument.

How does Presto Top Load Tester work?

Top load testing is a type of test that is conducted on PET bottles to determine their strength and resistance to top forces. This test is important because it can help identify any potential manufacturing defects in the bottles that could cause them to break under pressure. Top load testing will be performed with the Presto load testing machine that uses hydraulic force to apply a top load to the bottle. The machine will then measure the amount of force required to break the bottle.

To conduct a PET bottle test on the product, you can easily make use of this load tester for jars and bottles. If you want to conduct the test using the Presto top load testing instrument, then you can follow the steps mentioned below.

  • To conduct the test, you need to start the machine and place the specimen accurately between the compression plates of the machine. Whenever you place the bottles, then you will ensure that the bottles should be placed in the center of the compression plates for accurate testing results.
  • Now, you can bring the lower compression in the upper direction and exert a small preload on the bottle to eliminate any air gap between the compression plate and the bottle.
  • After applying the preload, you can easily commence the test.

In this way, this lab testing instrument will work and helps you test the compliance of bottles against top load. You can easily make your bottle ready for transportation with Presto top load tester.


When you're looking to bring your PET bottles to market, one of the first things you'll want to do is put them through a top load test. This type of test can help you ensure that your bottles can withstand the rigors of real-world use, and can help identify any potential issues with your design. Presto top load tester for PET bottles and jars will accurately measure the top load strength of the products and make sure that the right testing instrument will be delivered to the customers. You can also enroll in a FREE virtual demo of this testing instrument by calling us at +91-9210903903 or emailing us at Our team of technical experts will assist you regarding your needs and requirements.

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